Although the sky force box office collection results have already told a different tale, Akshay Kumar’s Sky Force received mixed reviews when it first came out. Within three days of its release, Akshay Kumar’s Republic Day movie surpassed the Rs 60 crore milestones and held a firm grip at the box office. The Republic Day holiday helped the movie, as the box office results indicated a consistent upward trend.
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ToggleSky force box office collection spiked in weekend
Sacnilk reports that the movie made Rs 27.50 crore on Sunday across all languages. The movie brought in Rs 61.75 crore after earning Rs 12.25 crore on Friday and Rs 22 crore on Saturday. The movie had a 47.22% attendance rate in the afternoon showings on Sunday. As the evening concerts recorded 56.52 percent occupancy, the trend saw a spike in numbers.”The weekend total is sure to hit the ₹ 70 cr+ mark, marking a superb start to its #Boxoffice journey,” Taran Adarsh stated in his post. Now, everyone is watching its performance over the week to see if it has what it takes to become a success story.
Story portrayed air strike
IAF officers Veer Pahariya and Akshay Kumar. The movie tells the story of India’s first and deadliest airstrike, a retaliatory attack on Pakistan’s Sargodha airfield during the 1965 Indo-Pakistan war. After several unsuccessful films, the movie also marked Akshay Kumar’s double-digit box office debut.
Sky force performed better than earlier films
Sky Force has performed better at the box office than Akshay’s ventures following Sooryavanshi. However, Bachchhan Paandey’s later films, Samrat Prithviraj (Rs 16.1 crore), Raksha Bandhan (Rs 7.05 crore), Ram Setu (Rs 7.25 crore), Selfiee (Rs 3.95 crore), Mission Raniganj (Rs 5 crore), Bade Miyan Chote Miyan (Rs 9.05 crore), Sarfira (Rs 5.25 crore), and Khel Khel Mein (Rs 3.85 crore), also did not make a big impression.
It’s noteworthy that Sky Force’s first Sunday profits even exceeded OMG 2’s (Rs 17.55 crore). The multi-starrer Singham Again (2024), directed by Rohit Shetty, is the only recent Akshay Kumar film to have done better than Sky Force. It is important to note, nevertheless, that even with an excellent ensemble cast the movie fell short of the horror-comedy Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3.